Future Conferences and research visits
Past Conferences and research Visits
SRS winterschool, (SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets).​​​​
WOMAP visit Paris, 12-20 January.
PAM semester Postdocs: Spring 2024 Program on Geometry, Statistical Mechanics, and Integrability, Los Angeles, USA.
AIMS South Africa, 1-22 July.
Athematic month on the topics around topological recursion, 12-17 August 2024 (Les Houches, France).
WOMAP visit IHP Paris, 1-17 Nov.
Workshop on Probability and Geometry in, on and of non-Euclidian spaces, October 2023 (CIRM, France).
Topological Recursion and Integrability, September 2023 (University of Trieste, ICTP, Trieste).
​CIME summer school: Enumerative geometry, quantisation and moduli spaces, September 2023 (Cetraro, Italy).
Workshop on Quantisation of moduli spaces from different perspectives, September 2023 (SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets).​​​​
Edmonton, research visit Reinier Kramer,11-13 August.
Women in Mathematical Physics II, August 2023 (BIRS, Banff, Canada).
NCM29, Aarborg, Denmark 3-7, July.
Tokyo, mini workshop, 17- 20 April.
Invitation to Recursion, Resurgence and Combinatorics, Okinawa, 6-18 April.
Workshop on Quantum Geometry, IHES, 25–29 Apr 25-29 April.
Integrability, Enumerative Geometry and Quantization, Stony Brook, August 22nd – September 23rd.
Topological recursion summer school and workshop, Otranto, Italy, 5-16 September.
Gaten Borot, Berlin, 22-26 October.
Topological recursion summer school and workshop, Otranto, Italy, September.
Higher structures in QFT and string theory, 12-16 July, online.
Swiss Knots, 16-19 JuLy 2019, ETH Zurich.
Motohico Mulase 60's Birthday conference, Bonn, July 2019.​ (Photo bellow)
Invited- Geometry and physics of Higgs Bundles, Oberwolfach, 12-18 May 2019.
Winter School "YRISW 2019: A modern primer for 2D CFT" (WSF),10-16 Feb 2019.
Research visits​
7-18/2/2018 Mathematics department, University of California Davis, Prof. Dimofte.
10-31/12/2018, Mathematics department, university of Berkeley, Berkeley, Prof. Reshetikhin.
22-28/11/2018, DESY Theory group, Hamburg Prof. Schomerus.
Conferences, schools and workshops​
​Geneziss, Swiss string theory conference, 30 November.
Quantum fields, knots, and strings, Warsaw, September.
Summer school topological recursion Tübingrn, August.​
Summer school IHES, localisation and exact result, July.
6TH workshop on combinatorics of moduli spaces, Moscow, June​.
Women in HEP day, May.
Geneziss, Swiss string theory conference, 27 April.
Winter School in mathematical physics 2018, Les Diablerets Switzerland, 7-12 January.
Incoming visitors
​Dr. Raphaell Belliard, DESY, 16-20 April.
Dr. Michal Pawelkiewicz, Saclay, 18-26 October.
Research visits​
​17-18 November, DESY, Hamburg Germany.
18-31October, The Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES), Bures-sur-Yvette, France, Prof. Pestun.
16-17/10 Mathematics department, University of Utrecht, Netherlands.
12-13 November ETH, Mathematics department, Zürich, Switzerland, Prof. Felder.
17-31March: IPMU, Tokyo, Japan, Prof. Yamazaki.
5-10 January, Mathemacs section, IPM, Teheran, Prof. Eftekhari.
Conferences, schools, and workshops​
Geneziss, Swiss string theory conference, 1 December.
Workshop "Young Researchers in String Mathematics", Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, 27- 30 November 2017
QGM retreat 2017, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark,19- 21 November 2017.
SwissMAP meeting 2017, Grindelwald, 11-13 September.
GeoQuant 2017, Aarhus, July 31 July- 4 August.
String math 2017, Hamburg, 24- 28 July.
Conference "String Theory and Quantum Gravity", Ascona, 3- 7 July.
Thematic School on Quantum Topology and Geometry, Toulouse, 9- 13 May.
Invariants in low dimensional geometry and topology, Toulouse, !5- 19 May.
Mathematics and Superstring Theory, IPMU, Tokyo, 21- 23 March.
Workshop on quantum fields, knot theory, and integrable systems, Edinburgh, 27 March- 2 February.
Incoming visitors
Dr. Ana Ros Camacho, Mathematics department, University of Utrecht, 3- 6 November.
Research visits
29/10/2016- 1/11/2016 Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli spaces (QGM), Aarhus, Prof. Andersen.
Conferences, schools and workshops
String math 2016, Paris, 27 June-2 July.
Supersymmetric theories, dualities, and deformations, Bern 4- 6 July.
DESY theory workshop 2016, Hamburg, 29 September- 2 October.
QGM retreat 2016, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark, 29 October- 1 November.
GATIS closing workshop, Hamburg, 28 November- 1 December.
Research visits
13-17/11: Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli spaces, Aarhus, Denmark, Prof. Andersen.
8-12/12: Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Theorique, Annecy, France, Prof. Gallot.
11-12/12: Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I, Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon, France, Prof. Iohara.
15-17/12: Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, Prof. Staudacher.
Conferences, schools and workshops
DESY theory workshop 2015, Hamburg, 29 September - 2 October.
IGST 2015, London, 13-17 July.
Young Researchers Integrability School, Durham, 6- 10 July.
Curve 2015, de jussieu, Paris, 22- 26 June.
Incoming visitors
Prof. Masahito Yamazaki, IPMU, Tokyo, 23- 27 November.
2012 - 2014:
Conferences, schools and workshops
Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics, Trieste, 31 March- 8 April 2014.
The XXIst International Conference on Integrable Systems and quantum symmetries,12-16 June, 2013.
Autumn school, Quantum Dilogarithm, Modular Double, and Representation Theory, Osaka, 20- 22 November, 2013.
String math 2012, Bonn,16- 21 July.
Soft Skills activities and workshops
30-31 October, Bern: Self-marketing
15-16 August, Bern: Academic profile, Career development and research funding
17 August, Bern: Done being Nice, increase your assertiveness in institutional power game
22 January, Geneva: Presentation skills workshops
23 January, Geneva: Improv Theatre for women scientists
22 January, DESY: Presentation skills workshops and vocal power
21-22 May, DESY: PIER Career Day, Workshop series for PhD students on soft skills
Semster Fall: Presentation skills seminar by Jan Louis