poster credit: Nozhan Aghaei
I am one of the Funder of WOMAP series conference
Conference Organisation: Women in Mathematical Physics I, BIRS- online, September 2020,
with Dr. Ana Ros Camacho.
Conference Organisation: Women in Mathematical Physics II, Banff, Canada August 2023,
with Dr. Ana Ros Camacho.
Conference Organisation: Women in Mathematical Physics III, Edinburgh April 2026
Conferences Organisations​​​​
Quantisation of moduli spaces from different perspectives, at the SRS, Switzerland, 24-29 September 2023, with Dr. Nicolas Orantin and Prof. Anton Alekseev.​​
Invariants of manifolds from QFT and string theory, special session at NCM29 , July 2023, Aalborg, Denmark, with Prof. Du Pei. Prof. Joergen Andersen and Prof. Sergei Gukov.
Intersections of Topological Recursion, Conformal Field Theory, and Random Geometry, at the SRS, Switzerland, 24-29 August 2025, ​with Dr. Nicolas Orantin, Prof. Eveliina Pelota, Prof. Rinat Kashaev and Dr.Colin.Guillarmou.​​​​​