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List of selective presentation



  • 02/2024 invited speaker at ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.













  • 07/2018 - short talk, Moduli space of flat connection and  super generalisation of AGT, IHES, Paris.



  • 10/2017 -  Invited speaker, Quantisation of  Teichmüller space and Heisenberg double, Mathematics department, ETH, Zürich.

  • 10/2017 -  Invited speaker, Quantisation of  Teichmüller space and Heisenberg double, Mathematics department, Utrecht.

  • 09/2017 -  Conference Talk, Introduction to quantisation of  Teichmüller space, Swiss Map meeting 2017, Grindelwald.

  • 03/2017 -  Invited speaker, Super quantum Teichmüller space and 4d-2d correspondence, IPMU Tokyo.



  • 12/2016 - Internal seminar, Super quantum Teichmüller space and AGT correspondence, ITP, Bern.

  • 10/2016 - Internal seminar, Supersymmetric gauge theory and CFT correspondence, ITP, Bern.

  • 09/2016 - Conference Talk, Super quantum Teichmüller space, DESY theory workshop, Hamburg.



  • 12/2015 - Invited speaker, Heisenberg double and Drinfeld double and their role in  quantum Teichmüller space, Universite Lyon.

  • 12/2015 - Invited speaker, Quantum super Teichmüller space, LAPTH, University mont blanc, Annecy.

  • 12/2015 - Invited speaker, Quantum super Teichmüller space and 4d-2d correspondence, Hümboldt University Berlin.

  • 11/2015 - Invited speaker, Heisenberg double, Drinfeld double and super quantum Teichmüller space, QGM Retreat meeting, Aarhus.

  • 09/2015 - Conference Talk, Geometric approach of super quantum Teichmüller space, DESY theory workshop, Hamburg.

  • 06/2015 - Internal Seminar, Introduction to the Localisation, string theory group, DESY, Hamburg.

  • 01/2015 - Internal Seminar, Introduction to non-compact quantum groups II, Center of Mathematical Physics (ZMP), Hamburg.



  • 12/2014 - Internal Seminar, Introduction to non-compact quantum groups I, Center of Mathematical Physics (ZMP), Hamburg.

  • 12/2014 - Poster, RTG Block meeting, Mathematics Institute, Hamburg.

  • 02/2014 - Internal Seminar, Teichmüller space coordinates, RTG Block meeting, Travemünde, Germany.



  • 09/2013 - Internal Seminar, Introduction to quantum groups, Center of Mathematical Physics (ZMP), Hamburg.



  • 07/2015 - Poster, IGST 2015, King's College, London.

  • 11/2017 - Future Poster, workshop Young researchers in string mathematics, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn.

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