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I was born in Isfahan, Iran on May 6th,1986. After I finished my Bachelor's study I moved to Germany for my Master and PhD. 


In the following you can see the details of the institutes that I studied and worked at:



01 May 2021 - Current: Marie Curie Fellow at QM center at SDU group of Prof. Andersen and

University of Geneva(Swiss MAP) group of Prof. Kahsaev.



Postdocs/Long Visits​

01 June 2019 - 30 April 2021:  Visitor/Postdoc at MPIM Bonn. affiliated at the University of Bern.


01 Feb 2019 - 31 May 2019:  Visitor/Postdoc in the group of Prof. Rinalt Kashaev and Anton Alekseev at University of Geneva, Switzerland.


October 2016 - 31 May 2019: Postdoc in Mathematical Physics, in the group of Prof. Susanne Reffert at Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland.


May 2016 - September 2016: Bridge postdoc at Mathematical Physics, Hamburg,




January 2013 - May 2016: PhD degree in Mathematical Physics, University of Hamburg,

"Research Training Group, Mathematics inspire by string theory and quantum field theory",

Mathematics department and String theory group at DESY, Germany. I was also GATIS associated member.

Thesis: Quantisation of super Teichmüller spaces.

Supervisor: Prof. Jörg Teschner.



July 2010 - November 2012: Master of Science in Physics, University of Bonn, Germany.

Thesis: Group isometries and D-branes in WZW models.

Supervisor: Prof. Albrecht Klemm, Dr. Thomas Quella.


October 2009 - June 2010: Master Courses in Astrophysics, Argelander Institute fur Astronomy and Max Plank Institute Bonn, Germany.



October 2004 - December 2008: Bachelor of Science in Physics, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran.

Thesis: Soliton solution and scalar field probes of power law.

Supervisor: Prof. Farhang Loran.


High School

October 2000 - June 2004: High School Diploma at NODET (National Organisation for Development of Exceptional Talents), Isfahan, Iran.

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