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I like the activities to motivate women and children in science.

so I gave several public talks and organise events in these directions.


I am a member of AWMP (Association of Women in Mathematica Physics)

I am a member of 500WS in Bern sincene 2018.



  •  June 2023: 500WS at the Frauenstreik Bern. 14 June.








  • 11th February: I was a speaker at AIMS Ghana for the event of

 International Day of Women in Science (Photo below).


One of my female students (Sorelle Toukam Tchoumegne) presented a talk about this activity and its influence on her at HEIDELBERG LAUREATE FORUM of 2020.

(look at min 37)







  • November: I was a mentor of 2 students for the "CareerDay" of Schools in Bern on 8th November.(photo below)

  • January: Public talk, Isfahan, Iran, with title “What is quantum physics?”.




  • September: I was in the scientific team of mathematical physics for the event in "Nacht der Forschung" 2017 in Bern.(photo below)

  • June: I was in the scientific team, explaining physics experiments to the visitors in the event "Ein Nacht mit Albert Einstein".

  • January: Public talk, Isfahan, Iran, with title “What is string theory? ”.






  • October: Students scientific helping team in "Nacht des Wissens" at DESY.

  • November: Scientific team for "Tag der Mathematik" Mathematics department, University of Hamburg.




  • Summer 2007: Organizer of the physics day 2007 and 2008, Isfahan University of Technology.

  • 2004-2009: IAESTE member at Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, International Association for the Exchange of Students for the Technical Experience, Exchange student 2008 Germany.

  • 2000-2008: Member of Adib Astronomy Center, Isfahan, Iran.




Gender equality activities






Administrative experience​​


  • Speaker of the RTG student council, Spring semester 2015, University of Hamburg.

  • Students Union Representative, 2005-2007, Isfahan University of Technology.

  • Head of Student's Association of Physics and Astronomy, 2006-2008, Isfahan University of Technology.

  • Member of the students organising committee for the 38th International Students Olympiads of Physics, 2007, Isfahan University of Technology.

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WhatsApp Image 2018-11-08 at
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