Publications and preprints
Quantisation of Super Teichmüller theoy,
joint with Michal Pawelkiewicz and Jörg Teschner, arXiv:1512.02617,
Published in: Commun. Math. Phys. 353 (2017) no.2, 597-631.
Notes on Integral Identities for 3d Supersymmetric Dualities,
joint with Antonio Amariti, Yuta Sekiguchi, arXiv:1709.08653,
Published in: JHEP 1804 (2018) 022 DOI: 1010.1007/JHEP04(2018)022.
Combinatorial Quantisation of GL(1|1) Chern-Simons Theory I: The Torus,
joint with Azat Gainutdinov, Michal Pawelkiewicz and Volker Schomerus, arXiv:1811.09123,
Under the review of CMP.
Heisenberg double and Drinfeld double of the super quantum plane,
joint with Michal Pawelkiewicz, arXiv: 1909.04565.
Towards Super Teichmüller Spin TQFT,
joint with Michal Pawelkiewicz and Masahito Yamazaki, arXiv:2008.09829.
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Vol.26, no.2
Graded discrete Heisenberg and Drinfeld doubles,
joint with Michal Pawelkiewicz, arXiv:2411.01681.
​ Under the review of LMP
To appear
Combinatorial Quantisation of GL(1|1) Chern-Simons Theory II, General manifold,
N. Aghaei, Azat Gainutdinov, Michal Pawelkiewicz and Volker Schomerus, arXiv:25xx.xxxx. PDF
On-going active projects​​​
Super topological recursion joint with Nicolas Orantin., Kento Osuga and Reinier Kramer.
relation of Super SLE and Super Liouville theroy CFT, Tjoint with Shinji Koshida and Eveline Peltola.
Lattice graph and gl(1|1) WZW joint with Michal Pawelkiewicz
In progress
super MIrzakhani- Mc-schane identity and Topological Recursion, joint with Nicolas Orantin and Severin Charbonnier.
​Discrete Super Liouville and isomonodromy deformation. N.Aghaei.
Lecture notes and reports
N.Aghaei "Lectures on quantum Teichmüller". Lecture notes for the course delivered during the school of invariants in low-dimensional geometry and topology,
by Prof. Kashaev, Toulouse, May 2017.​
N.Aghaei "Conformal field theory". Lecture notes for the course delivered during the 17th Saalburg Summer School,
by Dr. Romelsberger, Wolfersdorf, Germany, September 2011.
N.Aghaei "Theoretical Simulation and Structural Analysis of Coconut oil thermodynamical behavior",
Report of my DAAD Summer Studentship, University Halle, Germany, Summer 2008.
Academic service
Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews at American Mathematical Society (AMS) (Reviewer Number:131030)
External referee of Phd thesis at Ghent University, September 2023
My collaborators(Alphabetically)​
Antonio Amariti
Ariane Carrance
Severin Charbonnier
Harini Desiraju
Shinji Koshida
Aleksandra Korzhenkova
Nicolas Orantin
Kento Osuga
Michal Pawelkiewicz
Azat Gainutdinov
My References
Prof. Paul Norbury
Prof. Eveliina Peltola
Dr.Antonio Amariti
Prof.Susanne Reffert (Postdoc Supervisor)
Dr.Thomas Quella (Master Supervisor)