Nezhla Aghaei

Section de mathématiques
Uni Dufour
24, rue du Général Dufour
Case postale 64
1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Centre for Quantum Mathematics
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA)
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M, Denmark
linkedin: Nezhla Aghaei
Welcome to my website.
I am a mathematical physicist and currently at Mari Curie Fellow
at QM center at South Denmark University (SDU)
and the university of Geneva.
Mari Curie Fellow title: Super Andersen-Kashaev TQFT
Before, I was a postdoc at Max Planck Institute in Bonn and
in the Albert Einstein Centre at the University of Bern in the group of Prof. Reffert.
I was a PhD student in Research Training Group (RTG), Mathematics inspires by
string theory and quantum field theory, in the mathematics department
at the University of Hamburg and in the string theory group at DESY, Germany,
under the supervision of Prof. Jörg Teschner.
My research interests are mathematical structure underline the exact results in
supersymmetric gauge theory, including:
Research interests in Mathematics:
The mathematics of quantum Teichmüller theory and TQFT:
Relation to quantum group, Representation theory and Knot theory
The mathematics of: conformal field theories and integrable models
Topological recursion
Topological quantum computers
Research interests in String Theory:
4d-2d and 3d-3d correspondence
Non-perturbative physics of supersymmetric gauge theories
Conformal field theories (CFT) and Integrability
Complex Chern-Simons theory